Meredith Ellison, Quility Co-Founder, started Symmetry Financial Group in 2009 alongside her husband, Brandon, and Co-Founders Sarah and Casey Watkins and Geri and Brian Pope. Meredith has had multiple roles over the last 14 years and has found herself in her sweet spot over the last 5. Her passion within Symmetry & Quility is the people how to continuously nurture a community of well-being and connection.
Whit Zeh, Senior Director, Well-Being & Community Outreach, started with Symmetry/Quility back in 2018. With a background in non-profits and in education, she has been able to weave her passions from both into her role at Quility. Whit spends her days engaged with staff, agents, and community partners to listen and learn what is needed for healthy cultures and thriving communities.